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News & Blog

Agile Framework in Business Automation

Leveraging the Agile framework gives organisations a competitive advantage in today’s fast-paced and complex marketplaces. Embedding an Agile mindset of inspecting and adapting is the key element to the success of this service. Longer project timelines have proven...

Benefits of Cloud Computing in the Telecom Industry

Benefits of Cloud Computing in the Telecom Industry

Cloud Computing is gaining immense popularity for the last half a decade. It has made an impact on the IT and Business industries. This has led to a surge in global spending in the Cloud Computing domain. We will discuss the overview of Cloud Computing and its...

Importance of Data Security to Your Organization

Importance of Data Security to Your Organization

Many organisations collect, use and store personal data every day. This data needs to be kept and used for the reason it was agreed upon, kept private from those who do not require access and it must be stored and secured in a protected location. It is important to...

A Fresh Look at Governance, Risk and Compliance

A Fresh Look at Governance, Risk and Compliance

Introduction Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) is the integrated collection of capabilities that enable an organization to reliably achieve objectives, address uncertainty and act with integrity. It is important to remember that organizations have been governed,...

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latest blog post

Agile Framework in Business Automation

Leveraging the Agile framework gives organisations a competitive advantage in today’s fast-paced and complex marketplaces. Embedding an Agile mindset of inspecting and adapting is the key element to the success of this service. Longer project timelines have proven...